I’m a coach and a filmmaker. I listen to people in a way that lets them find and speak the truth about who they really are and how they want to show up in the world.
Film-making For Finding
And Speaking Your Truth
I’m a coach and a filmmaker. I listen to people in a way that lets them find and speak the truth about who they really are and how they want to show up in the world.
Working With Adrian
Your ears thirst for the sound of your heart’s knowledge. You would know in words that which you have always known in thought. — K. Gibran
Using the camera as a tool for finding and speaking a new way forward in your life.
Films for organizations and individuals who want to be truly seen and heard in the world.
Celebrating courageous internal journeys people have taken, high into the back country of the human heart.
Praise from Clients
“Working with Adrian unveiled a distinct clarity of vision as I move into a new phase of life. He helped me uncover what was there all along, waiting to be told.” — Heather M.M
Adrian Juric
Adrian Juric
Mary Rose O’Reilly